Press releases

Training session with international participation in the field of illegal migration and terrorism

Between 25 to 27 August 2020, DIICOT prosecutors and IGPR police officers attended an international participation professional training session in the field of illegal migration and terrorism, organized at the headquarters of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism. The session took place as part of the “Fighting Criminality and Corruption” project, funded by the Kingdom of Norway through the Norwegian Grants.

The activity aimed to improve the knowledge level of the students (20 prosecutors and police officers) regarding the cross-disciplinary approach to investigation and criminal prosecution, in the field of illegal migration and terrorism, in the light of the evolution of these phenomena at European level and the need for a coordination between national, European and international institutions.

The representatives of SRI, IGPR, IGPF, SELEC, FRONTEX, EUROPOL, as well as the prosecutors and DIICOT specialists spoke during the training session.

Representatives of the European agencies FRONTEX and EUROPOL presented applied lectures, based on the institutional experiences in the field of combating illegal migration and terrorism.

The participants also benefited from the lectures of two specialists from the Spanish National Police, who were selected as trainers.


Background information:

The financing contract of “Fighting criminality and corruption” project was signed on 27.11.2018, being the first financing contract signed within the “Justice” Program of the current Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The project budget is 4,250,000 euros, and the implementation period is 36 months. The project is being carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice in partnership with the National Anticorruption Directorate (D.N.A.) and the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (D.I.I.C.O.T.).

The general objective of the project is enhancing the capacity of the Public Ministry in fighting crime and corruption, contributing, in this regard, to the consolidation of the rule of law and the judiciary, as a whole. The project has two components: one for the professional training of the prosecutors, judicial police officers and specialists, and the other one regarding the acquisition of equipment for the prosecutor’s offices, equipment that will assist in the efficient conduct of criminal investigation activity.


Project funded by the Kingdom of Norway through the Norwegian Grants. The value of the grant awarded to the project is 4,250,000 euros. The aim of the project is enhancing the capacity of the Public Ministry in fighting against crime and corruption.

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