During April 12, 2024, The Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice (PÎCCJ) organized, as a project promoter, the final conference...
The Partnership Agreement was signed in order to implement Activity 1.1., which involves an exhaustive analysis of the general resources used by the Public Ministry...
15 prosecutors and judicial police officers from the National Anticorruption Directorate participated, between 3-5 February 2021, in the first of the ten professional training courses...
Between 25 to 27 August 2020, DIICOT prosecutors and IGPR police officers attended an international participation professional training session in the field of illegal migration...
Within the module Financial Investigation Techniques - Following the Money, the students worked on developing a handbook on financial investigations of the companies in the...
Between June 11 and 14, 2019, 45 criminal prosecutors from prosecutor's offices throughout the country benefited of the opportunity to exchange best practices in the...
The overall objective of the project is enhancing the capacity of the Public Ministry to better tackle criminality and corruption, thus contributing to the strengthening...
During the 3 years of implementation, over 600 prosecutors, judicial police officers and specialists will benefit from specialized training in strategic areas for the Public...